Tag: vaccination schedule
Aging anti-vaxxer keeps claiming Mercury, not Aluminum, causes autism
Much to the consternation of younger members of the anti-vaccine movement, Sean Segal, a prominent.
Outbreak of dysentery continues to spread across Oregon Trail
OREGON – Epidemiologists and doctors are baffled as to why the outbreak of dysentery continues.
Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy get in huge fight over who has injured more children
At what was supposed to be a cordial meeting between two un-great minds turned into.
Religious family refuses to believe vaccines are safe until they see “hard evidence”
HOUSTON, TX – A local family spoke with Fox News Houston this week saying they.
Trump displaying classic symptoms of rabies, infectious disease experts say
WASHINGTON, DC – A growing number of infectious disease experts are worried that President Donald.
Area man forced to bring child to doctor after anti-vaccine Facebook group can’t give him diagnosis
FAIRMONT, MA – Mark Webber, father of 4 year old Mackenzie Webber, was forced to.