Tag: vaccination schedule
Lancet publishes new controversial study showing homeopathic vaccines may be linked to autism spectrum disorder
Researchers published what could be a groundbreaking study this week in the Lancet, implicating homeopathic.
Best way to win online argument is still calling someone “shill” or blocking/banning, study finds
A new study out of the Harvard School of Medicine confirmed once again that accusing.
Local woman sets record by not mentioning she is anti-vaccine for 42 straight hours
SAN JOSE, CA – Local science illiterate anti-vaccer Cheryl Verdon has set a new world.
Area man crashes plane after learning how to fly on YouTube
LOS ANGELES, CA – Local anti-vaccine, anti-medicine, anti-GMO and flying enthusiast Jake Crosby, 37, decided.
Anti-vaccers demand more studies on vaccines, angry when CDC does more studies on vaccines
ATLANTA, GA – The CDC announced today that they would be doing more testing on.
CDC releases 124 million page document of non vaccine-injured children
ATLANTA, GA – The CDC has released a shocking 124 million page document today detailing.