Autism rate now 2 in 1, according to new survey from Natural News

science, health, satire, vaccines.

AUSTIN, TX – In a new survey released by Mike Adams from Natural News, the autism rate among United States children is now 2 in 1. Adams reportedly conducted a survey of Natural News newsletter subscribers asking them a variety of questions about their children.

What the survey found was that every child in the US has some form of autism and some children have two or more types of autism.

“Every person we talked to had a child with autism and many of the children had Multiple Autism*,” explained Adams.

The inclusion and exclusion criteria used for the survey is still somewhat unclear, but it appears as though anyone who said their child did not have an autism diagnosis or symptoms of autism, was immediately excluded.

“This is proof positive that the autism epidemic is real and getting out of control,” explained Adams. “All of the people in the survey also confirmed that their children’s autism was caused by vaccines. Even the non-vaccinated children.”

Adams is reportedly looking for a pay-to-publish journal to submit his findings to.

*Multiple Autism is a made up condition by Adams.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.