Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Natural News "scientists" confirm correlation DOES equal causation

NEW YORK, NY – Anti-vaccers the world over are celebrating in the streets today as.

Scientists close to figuring out what the hell was on Joey's head

  CALGARY, AB – Scientists from the University of Calgary announced today that they are.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Anti-vaccer spends all day in Starbucks with laptop open to anti-vaccine website

SEATTLE, WA – Local anti-vaccine advocate and science-denier Mike Murphy spent the better part of.

Case-control trial goes horrible awry, controls out of control

BALTIMORE, MD – A case-control trial out of Johns Hopkins University has gone disastrously wrong..

Breaking: Charlie Sheen's blood cures arthritis in goats

AUSTRALIA – A homeopath and internet MD from Sydney, Australia has blown the whole scientific.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Breaking: Scientists discover disease NOT being blamed on vaccines

  NEW YORK, NY – In a breaking announcement just hours ago, scientists at Columbia.