science, health, satire, vaccines.
Scientists find gene responsible for “dad jokes”

In a recent study published in Foundations and Theory of Hereditary and Ethical Research (FATHER).

science, satire, gluten
Woman diagnosed with allergy to gluten-free food

SAN JOSE, CA – Local woman Chelsea Darling, 29, has just been told by doctors that she is allergic to gluten-free food.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Study: Excessive masturbation may protect against the flu

A new study released today from JAMA, The Journal of the American Masturbation Association, concluded that people who excessively masturbate are less likely to contract influenza.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Measles and mumps cases rise as vaccination rates fall, anti-vaccers blame lack of colloidal silver

DENVER, CO – There has been a sharp rise in both measles and mumps cases.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Homeopath Ullman wins World Series of Poker with daring $0.000000000000000001 raise

Players around the table quietly folded their cards and Ullman took possession of the final pot

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Area man dies of cancer despite smoking marijuana, naturopaths baffled

VANCOUVER, BC – Area man Ron Hill, 61, died this week from a brain tumor,.