Players around the table quietly folded their cards and Ullman took possession of the final pot

LAS VEGAS, NV – The gallery sat in stunned silence as Dana Ullman upped the ante by an infinitesimal $0.000000000000000001. Players around the table quietly folded their cards and Ullman took possession of the final pot. Ullman is a well known homeopath and author, but is a newcomer to the world of high-stakes professional poker. Danny Rizzuto, former champion, commented: “Nobody had every heard of this guy and nobody took him seriously, but today was his day.”
In the final round Ullman was dealt an off-suit 7-2, considered to be the worst starting hand in Texas Hold’em. He explained his strategy. “I knew it was time to make my move. I was never going to get a weaker opening that that. As we homeopaths say ‘go small or go home’.”
When asked about the $7.5 million purse he will receive as tournament champion, Ullman explained his noble plan.
“I have been very fortunate. This is my chance to give back. I vow to donate 0.00000000000000000000000000001% to charity. Maybe less!”