Gwyneth Paltrow asks fans to spend $8200 to help her fight for GMO labeling

Gwyneth Paltrow is best know for acting, marrying Chris Martin, and being completely out of.

The science behind the Facepalm

BOSTON, MA – Researchers in the Behavioral Science department of Harvard Medical School observed the behavior.

Anti-vaccine movement just three celebrities away from being taken seriously

The anti-vaccine movement is collecting celebrities like it collects diseases and it is now estimated.

degrasse tyson
Is Neil deGrasse Tyson really just a robot?

Fran Drescher, former actress and current anti-GMO Twitter activist, claims her husband not only invented.

Anti-Vaccer believes he could win vaccine debate with Paul Offit, basketball game against Lebron James

Local anti-vaccer, Tony Barke, a 32 year-old father of one issued stark challenges to pediatrician.

Anti-vaccine children's group The Mumpples cancels third show in a row due to illness

The not so beloved anti-vaccine group The Mumpples has had to cancel yet another show.