Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Alternative medical healers hold annual meeting to invent new diseases, cures

MIAMI, FL – In the sun and sand of Miami, Florida the who’s who of alternative medical healers held their annual meeting to create new diseases and condiions and of course new ways to cure them. The 3 day conference also focused on which vaccine ingredients to blame for autism and other conditions, the best fluoride-removal sysytems to sell on your website and how to convince people that oxygen and water are worth paying for.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Anti-vaccers set to make record number of alternative doctors millionaires in 2016

LOS ANGELES, CA – According to sources at Forbes, anti-vaccine advocates will make an estimated 39 new millionaires in America this year by refusing to get vaccinated and instead buying unproven alternative health products.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Report: Writing the word FACT after a claim makes it more factual

CALIFORNIA – The Comment Board of America confirmed today that when someone posts a comment with the word fact written in all caps, “FACT”, their comment or claim immediately becomes more factual and believable.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Alt med practitioners much quicker to solve Zika crisis than mainstream doctors

LOS ANGELES, CA – While the CDC and WHO announced that it may take months to get the answer behind the apparent link between Zika virus and microcephaly in Brazil, alternative medicine practitioners announced that they have already solved the case and are now offering cures.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Science denial now 5th leading cause of death in the US

WASHINGTON, DC – A new report released today by the US Department of Health and Research showed that science denial and illiteracy is now the fifth leading cause of death in the country.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Anti-vaccer caught double dipping chip at party

SPRINGFIELD, OH – Local anti-vaccer Frank McLelland was at a dinner party last night when onlookers witnessed him double-dipping his chip.