Gay minister refuses to marry straight couple

AUSTIN, TX – Minister Robbie Tobin of Austin, Texas has found himself in hot water.

Breaking: NASA hack reveals secret space chemtrail plan

In a breaking story, The Spudd has learned that NASA is planning to implement space.

Anti-vaccer's online rant rudely interrupted when mother yells supper is ready

34 year-old anti-vaccine and anti-science stalwart James Cramer was really on a roll posting some.

Autism One leaders outraged that ISIS speaker is denied visa

Autism One leaders are up in arms after learning that a visa has been denied.

Area man commits to fifth conspiracy theory in last two weeks

PHOENIX, AZ – Local conspiracy theorist and parent-basement dweller James Danner announced via Facebook that.

Yale Department of Psychology to End “Project Wakefield” Experiment

The Yale department of psychology announced on Friday that they would be ending a decades.