Yale Department of Psychology to End “Project Wakefield” Experiment

The Yale department of psychology announced on Friday that they would be ending a decades long experiment known as “Project Wakefield.”  The project, which was designed to test the limits of human gullibility had gone on “long enough,” according to the lead research Dr. Stephan Groski.

“We began this experiment thinking no one would believe the link between vaccines, the most successful medical intervention ever, and autism- a medical condition we picked out of a hat,” he told The Spudd.

Researchers tried numerous times to sabatogue their own experiment, most notably, when the character of Andrew Wakefield was revealed to have faked experiments and to have massive conflicts of interest.

“Even then, they believed,” said Dr. Groski shaking his head.

The actor who played the character known as Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Chris Ernst, said that the role presented the opportunity of a lifetime, but also posed special challenges.

“Having to remain in character for years at a time was difficult,” he said.  “I had to even listen to the chemtrail crowd with a straight face, something I never learned about in acting school.  While I will miss playing Dr. Wakefield, it will be nice to be myself again, and not be viewed as the greatest medical fraud of the past 50 years.”

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.