Ebola vaccine enters final autism testing stage

TORONTO, CANADA – The Ebola vaccine created by a Canadian company has entered the final.

Quick news: Man claims lucky hat prevents cancer

A Knoxville, Tennessee man claims that his lucky hat has prevented him from contracting skin.

Shilly Awards bring few surprises, streaker

LOS ANGELES, CA – The 1st annual Pharma Shill Awards, or “Shillys”, took place last.

Anti-vaccers start Change. org petition to get rid of science

Anti-vaccers are taking another stab at eliminating science from the world. Even though they themselves.

Monsanto to merge with Hell in record 4.5 billion soul deal

The most evil company in the world, Monsanto, is about to get even more vile.

Patients who die from medical errors more critical of doctors

A recent study done by the Hospital Association of America in conjunction with The Dead.