Search Results for: whistleblower

science, health, satire, vaccines.
CDC quietly admits vaccines cause antibodies

ATLANTA, GA – Fresh on the heals of the SB277 ordeal and the CDC whistleblower.

female surgeon
Breaking: Anti-vaccers are actually paid Pharma Shills

In what is sure to send shockwaves through both the pro-vaccine/pro-science side of the non-existent.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Man who called CDC “Pathological Liars” cites CDC data in rejecting the flu vaccine

Pediatric chiropractor Dr. Josh Axit told all of his patients this week that the flu.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Ben Swann nominated for best actor in a comedy series for Vaccine-Autism videos

LOS ANGELES, CA – Reporter Ben Swann has been nominated for an Emmy for his.

Anti-vaccer attempts epidemiology, remains in critical condition

LOS ANGELES, CA – A vocal and mathematically challenged anti-vaccine advocate is in critical condition.

Leaked documents show Pharma Shills given advanced warning of chemtrail deployments

DENVER, CO – In a breaking story out of Denver, The Spudd Times has learned.