Anti-vaccer attempts epidemiology, remains in critical condition


LOS ANGELES, CA – A vocal and mathematically challenged anti-vaccine advocate is in critical condition after attempting to do epidemiology, reports say.

Rebecca Hastings has been following the CDC Whistleblower fake story for months now and decided to try her hand at some math. Unfortunately, things did not go well.

“Ms. Hastings remains in critical condition with severe brain trauma,” said neurosurgeon Dr. David Borac. “We believe she tried to access and use parts of her brain she had never used before and it simply couldn’t handle it.”

Ms. Hastings family and friends are currently fighting with doctors and hospital administrators over her treatment. While the hospital insists on using medicine and treatment that will keep her alive, the Hastings family is insisting she only be treated naturally.

“Becky would never want any of these tubes and drugs in her body,” said her sister, Sarah. “We brought in a bunch of herbs and essential oils to use but they are not letting us near her. This is medical kidnapping.”

*Update: The family and their lawyers have won the right to use their own medicine on Ms. Hastings under the supervision of the neurological team.

**Update 2: Ms. Hastings has died and the family is suing the hospital.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.