Anti-vaccer wants child with autism removed from her son's class, worried he will catch autism

In a truly bizarre story coming out of St. Paul, Minnesota this week, Sherri Dorey.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Report: Children who see oncologists die younger

A shocking new report from Yale University found that children who visit oncologists suffer more.

Anti-GMO activists took the glyphosate challenge: massive e-coli poisoning after consuming manure

This past weekend a group of roughly 13 people were admitted at NYU Hospital due.

Man jumps off cliff to test “Theory of Gravity”

Many anti-vaccine and anti-science members love to go on about the “Theory of Evolution” and.

Doctors office blares satellite radio to drown out cries of children getting vaccinated

A local doctors office is in hot water after reports indicate that the staff has.

Food Babe's new book to be completely made of kale

Vani Hari, aka The Food Babe, is well underway to finishing the follow-up to her.