The top 5 signs you may be addicted to being a skeptic

If you exhibit any of these symptoms, it is probably already too late for you. Embrace your inner skeptic.

1. You have forgone sleep and possible sex with your partner in order to stay up all hours of the night arguing with someone on Facebook or Twitter.


2. You have PubMed, The Genetic Literacy Project and Science Based Medicine webpages bookmarked for quick refuting of bullshit.


3. You actually read the entire paper when someone sends you a study as “proof.”


4. You talk to people at parties about skepticism when they clearly have no interest.


5. You cannot last more than 5 minutes on an anti-vaccine, anti-gmo, chemtrail, etc. web or Facebook page without wanting to throw something.



Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.