Breaking: CEO of Pfizer to step down amid vaccine autism scandal

In a breaking story exclusive to The Spudd, we have learned that Mark Sasperger will.

Anti-vaccer wants child with autism removed from her son's class, worried he will catch autism

In a truly bizarre story coming out of St. Paul, Minnesota this week, Sherri Dorey.

Autism One leaders outraged that ISIS speaker is denied visa

Autism One leaders are up in arms after learning that a visa has been denied.

Area man commits to fifth conspiracy theory in last two weeks

PHOENIX, AZ – Local conspiracy theorist and parent-basement dweller James Danner announced via Facebook that.

Autism One books ISIS leader for 2016 Chicago convention

America’s premier anti-vaccine organization has booked a prominent member of ISIS for its 2016 conference..

Breaking: Autism outbreak reported at Disneyland

LOS ANGELES, CA – The CDC is reporting a huge rise in autism cases over.