5 people you didn’t know were anti-vaccine

With the pro-vaccine movement seeming to endorse and promote anyone who is even the slightest.

5 people you didn't know were pro-vaccine

With the anti-vaccine movement seeming to endorse and promote anyone who is even the slightest.

Morgellons vaccine to start trials next month

ATLANTA, GA – The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today that they are.

Anti-vaccine advocate reads every vaccine article on the internet

MIAMI, FL – Anti-vaccine advocate Derek Stephens claims to have “finished the internet”. “I finally.

Anti-vaccer ignored at dinner party

BANGOR, ME – A woman recently attended a dinner party at her neighbors house in.

Anti-vaccer finally crafts the perfect anecdote

MEMPHIS, TN – Local man Max Fenig has been scouring the internet and anti-vaccine blogs for.