5 people you didn't know were pro-vaccine

With the anti-vaccine movement seeming to endorse and promote anyone who is even the slightest bit a “celebrity” (i.e. Rob Schneider) and supports their misguided ideology, we at The Spudd have tracked down 5 people who you may not know are pro-vaccine. Can you think of any others we may have missed?

1. Say what? Meme kid


This young man has been used in countless meme’s, both pro- and anti-vaccine. He recently reached out to The Spudd to confirm that he is indeed pro-vaccine. And would like to have more of them.

 2. Roald Dahl


Roald Dahl lost his daughter to the measles and his heartbreaking journal entries about the loss were recently published. Get your kids vaccinated or keep them away from chocolate factory tours…and schools…and Disneyland.

 3. Emmett Brown


If Doc Brown could go back in time (again), he stated he would “take videos of humanity suffering from terrible diseases before the advent of vaccines and show them to the anti-vaccers of today. It would really be a shock to their system.” Indeed it would Doctor, 1.21 Gigawatts worth.

 4. Freddy Prinze Jr.


We assume the man married to super pro-vaccination and anti-vaccine slayer Sarah Michelle Geller is also pro-vaccine. And a dream boat.

 5. Gary


My cousin Gary (pictured above).

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.