Anti-vaccine advocate reads every vaccine article on the internet

MIAMI, FL – Anti-vaccine advocate Derek Stephens claims to have “finished the internet”.

“I finally finished it today. I have read every single study, editorial, blog post, you name it on vaccines on the internet. My conclusion: all the research done which shows vaccines are safe and efficacious must all be part of a global conspiracy. The blogs I read about vaccines blew me away. I only wish I had enough money to order all the products out there to detox from everything” said an exhausted Stephens.

Stephens, who is unemployed, spent an average of over 14 hours a day for the past 4 years on the internet in his mother’s basement.

“It was tough, but I think it will be worth it when all my offers for honorable doctorates start pouring in from colleges and universities who heard about how much studying I’ve done” said a hopeful Stephens.

Stephens has now even surpassed Sherri Tenpenny who claims to have done over 18,000 hours of internetting on vaccine research.

“It truly is amazing,” said Tenpenny. “If I were him, I would get to my online store asap and order some supplements to gain his strength back.”

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.