Author: SP Team

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Mom’s kiss more effective than homeopathy in treating children’s pain

PITTSBURGH, PA – In a new study out of the University of Pittsburgh, researchers discovered that a kiss from mom or dad on a scrape or cut is just as effective as homeopathy for treating pain.

Hospitals at near capacity across the US as mask-related injuries continue to surge

Hospitals across the country are nearly at full capacity as people are being rushed to.

Trump has 99% approval rating among Coronavirus

President Donald Trump reportedly had his highest approval rating among Coronavirus, according to the latest.

Recent med school graduates spill the beans about their favorite courses

A group of nearly 75 recent med school graduates sat down with The Science Post.

Trump recommends taking a bath with toaster to “zap away” coronavirus

President Trump, in his latest coronavirus briefing, suggested “zapping” coronavirus could be a great way.

Report: Scientists already hard at work on 6G technology, considering which disease to make it cause

A new report has surfaced which shows the worlds scientists and engineers are already hard.