Trump has 99% approval rating among Coronavirus


President Donald Trump reportedly had his highest approval rating among Coronavirus, according to the latest poll.

With daily cases in the US topping 70,000, coronavirus has a lot to be happy about.

“Without the help of President Trump, none of this would be possible,” said Coronavirus.

“From the very beginning, the president has been nothing short of amazing: calling us a hoax, not taking us seriously, encouraging people to go out and restart the economy, not providing masks and PPE for frontline workers, I could on and on. It’s truly been a blessing for us to have him in power.”

Trump himself bragged about it on Twitter:

President Trump, his supporters, and Coronavirus are reminding people that this is all a hoax and to go about your daily business mask-free. Others however, are being less woke and more cautious:

“This is a very seriously threat and risk to the health of every American,” said Pharma Shill Dr. David Branch. “We encourage everyone to social distance, wash your hands frequently and only go out if necessary. If you do go out, please remember to wear a mask and social distance while out.”

Pffft. Don’t be a sheep.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.