Anti-vaccine celebrity makes YouTube video about Natural News, heads explode


LOS ANGELES, CA – In what is being heralded as the “Perfect Storm” in the anti-vaccine world, Jim Carrey has reportedly completed a YouTube video in which he talks about vaccines and Natural News.

“This is the greatest thing ever created, I literally can’t even right now,” said Jeff Pragger, amateur author and anti-vaccine cult member. “My head almost exploded while I simultaneously orgasmed.”

However, reports indicate that not everything is peachy with the new video.

“We have had no less than 7 reports of anti-vaccers heads exploding,” said Orange County Hospital emergency physician Dr. Russ Adams. “We are warning people to avoid watching this video if they are A) anti-vaccine or B) understand science. If they fall into category A, they are at a high risk of a head explosion; if they fall into category B, they have a severe risk of head trauma from face palming.”

Mr. Carrey has been relatively silent on the issue, apart from tweeting out a photo of a child which he did not have permission to use, and rambling something about mercury still being in childhood vaccines.

The CDC and Big Pharma are split on what to do with the video. The CDC wants YouTube to take it down to avoid further injury, while Big Pharma (being inherently evil) want as many anti-vaccers to watch the video as possible.

“I don’t care if my head explodes, I’m watching that video” said anti-vaccine zealot Dave Foster. “That is pretty much my dream way to die. That, or jumping in front of a speeding syringe to save a child from autism.”


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.