Vaccines caused Big Bang

Anti-vaccinationists announced today the “ultimate smoking gun” concerning the nefarious nature of vaccines. Neurosurgeon Brussell.

Anti-vaccine luminaries donate to vaccine charity

A fundraiser for the vaccine charity Every Child by Two has collected donations from a.

Vaccine-induced (fill in anything you want)

With the mounting scientific evidence against vaccines being the cause of autism, the anti-vaccine crowd.

Father of child ill with pertussis extols benefits of “Natural Immunity”

Shawn Crosby, father of a 1 year-old boy Engine Crosby of Santa Monica, California, launched.

Mother blames teenage son’s heavy use of tissues on flu shot

Lisa Aran, a 36 year-old woman from Dayton, Ohio and mother of 13 year-old Joe,.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Editorial: Scientists have been wrong before, so I can say whatever I want.

Editorial:  Scientists Have Been Wrong Before, So I Can Say Whatever I Want. By Jim.