Vaccines caused Big Bang

Anti-vaccinationists announced today the “ultimate smoking gun” concerning the nefarious nature of vaccines. Neurosurgeon Brussell Laycock and quantum mechanical physician/luminary Peacock Fro-yo announced their findings at a news conference this morning.

“We have irrefutable proof that our universe’s Big Bang was an autoimmune reaction to a cosmological vaccine given our local deity that was, ironically, supposed to prevented the creation of new universes”, notes Laycock.

“The vaccine contained a toxic brew of symmetry-shattering Higgs bosons, dark matter, and fetal cells that forced the Sword of Time to fall from its previously meta stable balance point–and thus began our existence in a vaccine-tainted universe,” added Fro-yo.

When asked by a reporter what people could do to combat the ultimate vaccine adverse reaction , both Fro-yo and Laycock answered, in unison, “Buy a subscription to our newsletters, which make great holiday stocking stuffers.”.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.