2015 measles forecast based on viral attack rates, Jenny McCarthy’s SAT score

The US will see exactly 788 cases of measles this year, according to a public.

The Spudd Responds to Amy Tuteur

In a recent post on her blog page, entitled “A Question for Anti-Vax Parents,” Dr.Tuteur.

Polio hoping for a comeback at Universal Studios

With the recent outbreak of measles at Disneyland in California due to anti-vaxxers, Polio is.

Tenpenny to set off on a five city talking-to-herself tour

Following the stunning cancellation of her planned Australian lecture tour, anti-vaccine doctor Sherri Tenpenny has.

Two-Face: The pediatrician who won't quit monologuing

Public Health Officers for LA and Orange Counties request your help in identifying the above.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Anti-vaccine mom enjoys fantasies of protecting her kid from imaginary threat of him being forcibly taken from her

Anti-vaccine mother, Luis Margolis, 37 of New Haven, CT., contacted The Science Post to issue.