Family to designate "unvaccinated kids table" for weirdo cousins' kids this Thanksgiving

TUCSON, AZ – The Hamel’s are going out all this year for their biggest Thanksgiving.

Anti-vaccine celebrities have a combined total of three years of community college education

Anti-vaccine celebrities are popping up more and more and they all seem to believe they.

Are GMOs and vaccines to blame for the rise in chronic disease?


Child Services investigating parents who refuse to blame vaccines for son's autism

CHANDLER, AZ – Parents of 3 year old Sean Powell are being investigated by Child.

Anti-vaccine parents frightened of recently vaccinated children shedding diseases

BOSTON, MA – Local anti-vaccine parents Debbie and Sean Richardson are terrified that their unvaccinated,.

Smallpox blankets the must have gift this Christmas for anti-vaccers

NEW YORK, NY – Anti-vaccine advocates are reportedly lining up this year to get their.