Monsanto Roundup
World Health Organization classifies Monsanto’s dihydrogen monoxide as “probably carcinogenic”

SWITZERLAND – The World Health Organization struck a huge blow against Monsanto today when they.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Merck to add glyphosate to vaccines in huge deal with Monsanto

Pharmaceutical giant Merck announced today that they would be altering the recipe for their vaccines.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Study shows less than half of anti-GMO advocates actually know what a GMO is

CAMBRIDGE, MA – A recent study by the Harvard School of Agriculture shows that less.

monsanto roundup
Anti-GMO advocates shocked to learn organic food industry is “for-profit”

ST. LOUIS, MI – In a breaking story making headlines across the globe, anti-GMO advocates.

alt news
Alternative news sites completely reliable, according to study by alternative news sites

LOS ANGELES, CA – Alternative media and health/science websites are becoming more and more popular.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Confused mom honestly believes organic food is healthier, doesn’t use pesticides

In what scientists are calling “one for the ages”, local mom Cathy O’Brien was shopping.