Food Babe lashes out at Amazon reviewers

The Food Babe’s new book, The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins.

If you survived measles, everyone else will as well

With the measles outbreak making headline news and the “vaccine debate” heating up, it is.

Your pitiful scientific method is no match for my amazing immune system

Okay, you’re probably worried about me after the last thing that I wrote, so I.

Less than 1% of the Canadian House of Commons admits to vaccinating their OWN KIDS!!!

Recently, NBC asked US Congress how many of them vaccinated their children. Of the 434.

Quarantine is another word for tyranny

I’m stuck in this room and they won’t let me out. It’s sort of my.

Tenpenny may sue Australia for being too pro-vaccine

Sherry Tenpenny, the outspoken anti-vaccine activist, is so upset she will not be able to.