Your pitiful scientific method is no match for my amazing immune system

Okay, you’re probably worried about me after the last thing that I wrote, so I decided to drop you a note. Thanks for all the supportive letters you sent to me. You guys are the greatest.

I’m not going to lie to you. There were a few sketchy days in there, but then the boys hooked me up with some Tamiflu, and it worked miracles. My amazing immune system was able to overcome it, due in no small part to the amazing supplements that you can buy right now on the Spudd’s online store. Your immune system is like a muscle: you’ve got to use it to strengthen it. If you go running to antibiotics every time you have a little sniffle you’ll never be able to give it the strength training it needs, and you will not be able to defend yourself when something seriously bad comes along.

My immune system is so strong that even something like this is no match for it. It couldn’t break through my defenses. My leukocyte count is so high I bleed white. Nothing could possibly make me sick. My immune system is also so is highly trained I have no autoimmune disorders except for acne.

I’m feeling great now, and since I’ve been cleared I’m free to go and spread misinformation and propaganda wherever I want. Freedom is great!

There are some people who says that you should test your supplements to make sure that they work. These people are cowards. Why wait to be healthy? I am the only proof that you need.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.