Less than 1% of the Canadian House of Commons admits to vaccinating their OWN KIDS!!!

Recently, NBC asked US Congress how many of them vaccinated their children. Of the 434 house members surveyed, 7 declined to answer, 273 did not respond, 33 responded that they had no children and 121 responded yes. Some quick math shows that of the 121 members of Congress who replied to the survey and had children, 100% said they vaccinate their kids.

Now, if you are anti-vaxxer, the math is quite different. To them, anyone who did not respond “yes” (including the 33 who have no children) are clearly against vaccines. So to them, only 121/434 (less than 30%) of the members of Congress vaccinate their kids and all others are against vaccines and know the real danger behind them. You can see this math in action on VaxTruth’s page HERE.

Taking a page out of the anti-vaccine handbook from VaxTruth, The Spudd decided to poll the members of parliament of the Canadian House of Commons to see how many of them admit to fully vaccinating their own children. The results? 0%.

That’s right 0%. All 308 Members of Parliament failed to respond to our unsolicited email survey, so we can therefor assume that none of them vaccinate their children.

Pretty scary stuff that the government who pushes vaccines on the sheeple won’t even vaccinate their OWN KIDS.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.