Quarantine is another word for tyranny

I’m stuck in this room and they won’t let me out. It’s sort of my fault, I guess. I was in the level 4 biocontainment facility and I really needed to scratch underneath my mask, and then this guy said that I might have contracted the experimental virus that infects 90 percent of all people who are exposed to it that I was playing with.

What an overreaction! I’m not even sick! Of course, this little pet is contagious for several days before the host shows symptoms, but I don’t see why that’s my problem. You can catch this medical masterpiece just from being in a room that somebody who had it walked through hours before, but I should be allowed to go wherever I want, and if somebody else gets it, it won’t be me giving them this. It would be the disease giving them the disease.

It’s not my job to protect them. If they want to protect themselves,  they can do it the same way that everyone else does: by taking commonsense measures such as using lots of the supplements, wearing appropriate clothing – such as a ventilator, full biosuit, and one of those cool beanies with a propeller on top; and not going around other human beings or animals for any reason.

There is no known cure for this fun little beast. It can cause blindness, sterility, unusually hairy armpits, death, and in the most severe cases, an intense liking of elevator music (or at least that’s what Dr. Haypenny thinks. They won’t let us test it on anything but mice). That is not a reason for normal, healthy people to be afraid of it. After all, if you get sick or if your immune system can’t handle it, that’s your own fault, and let’s face it: if you’re the kind of person who dies just because you get sick, maybe you’re doing the gene pool a favor. Let’s put the “you” in eugenics!

It’s going to be a long couple of weeks. At least I have internet access, so I won’t be too bored. I tried to download that new comedy, “Bought“, but it seems blocked here for some reason.

It’s is totally unfair that I have to stay here where I’m safe and have the best medical care with the only experts that specialize in this virus (or even know that it exists) available to me. Someone should do something about it. Why don’t people think of me instead of themselves and other people for a change? It’s not that hard. I think about myself all the time.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.