Quick news: Man claims lucky hat prevents cancer

A Knoxville, Tennessee man claims that his lucky hat has prevented him from contracting skin cancer. Wyatt Nelson, 61, has hat his lucky hat for over 40 years and insists that it has magical, cancer repelling powers.

“I mean, think about it. I’m outside almost 7 hours a day in the sun, no shirt and no sunscreen…just my ‘ol lucky hat and I ain’t got skin cancer or any other cancer for that matter.”

Nelson has not been to see a dermatologist (or any other doctor) in over 20 years and appears to have several lesions all over his body. When asked about his lesions and sun spots, Nelson is quick to dismiss them saying “Listen. No one has told me I have skin cancer. No doctor, no nothing. So therefore I don’t have skin cancer and my hat must be the only reason why.”

Nelson continues to suffer from ongoing fevers, rash and loss of appetite in a battle with what he calls “a ten year long cold”.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.