Tag: Alt Med
Local man fed up with mainstream media, strictly reading Info Wars, Natural News from now on
DOVER, IN – Local man Gary Harold, 37, has had enough of the mainstream media.
Detroit man has been taking homeopathic medicine by accident for over 20 years
Brad Smith from Detroit, Michigan never meant to take homeopathic medicine. “I’ve never bought any.
NSA to focus spying efforts on alternative medicine practitioners, continue to get CIA help with assassinations
WASHINGTON, DC – The National Security Agency (NSA) announced today that they would be shifting.
Anti-vaccers remain confused as to which vaccine ingredient to blame for autism
Anti-vaccers most often cite mercury in vaccines as the cause of autism, but now they.
American Society of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (A SCAM) ranks top 10 achievements in medical history
The American Society of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (A SCAM) came out with their list.
Breaking: 3 Olympians found dead after attempting bloodletting
RIO, BRAZIL – In a breaking story out of the Rio Olympics, 3 athletes from.