Personal narrative: I owe everything in my life to my mother, she birthed me naturally at home

I know this might sound cliché. I don’t mind it one bit. I honestly feel.

TheSpudd Online University of Chiropractic Homeopathy (TOUCH)

Hello and welcome to our newest innovation, TheSpudd Online University of Chiropractic Homeopathy (TOUCH). Here.

Man believes divine being gave babies perfect immune system – sends newborns for chiropractic manipulation

Local father of 2, James Gee, has long voiced his opposition to vaccines based on.

The plague isn't really so bad

I’m sure that you’ve been hearing recently about how great measles is now that we’re.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries kicked out of Doctors Against Vaccines for not having online supplement store

In a move that shocked the anti-vaccine movement to its core, Dr. Suzanne Humphries was.

Food Babe and Health Ranger finish testing GFCFSFFF diet

Health food fans everywhere jumped for joy on the announcement of the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free, Soy-Free,.