Search Results for: homeopathy

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Report: High levels of dihydrogen monoxide found in homeopathic products

In a recent report released by science, all homeopathic products which were tested found high.

HPV Vaccine
“We’ve been using alternative facts for years” say anti-vaccers, homeopaths

WASHINGTON, DC – Anti-vaccers are upset that the Trump administration is getting all kinds of.

Science, Vaccines, Med School, Satire
Lancet publishes new controversial study showing homeopathic vaccines may be linked to autism spectrum disorder

Researchers published what could be a groundbreaking study this week in the Lancet, implicating homeopathic.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Detroit man has been taking homeopathic medicine by accident for over 20 years

Brad Smith from Detroit, Michigan never meant to take homeopathic medicine. “I’ve never bought any.

Area man dies in tragic skydiving accident after refusing to deploy “non-natural” parachute

A tragic death that could have been avoided has rocked a small town in rural.

alt med
American Society of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (A SCAM) ranks top 10 achievements in medical history

The American Society of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (A SCAM) came out with their list.