science, health, satire, vaccines.
New Google plugin, "Echo Chamber" will only show results you agree with

A new Google search plugin announced today by the company will allow users to block.

Area man dies in tragic skydiving accident after refusing to deploy “non-natural” parachute

A tragic death that could have been avoided has rocked a small town in rural.

gmo woman
Study: Healthy people most likely to be anti-vaccine, well-fed people most likely to be anti-GMO

In a study coming out from The Annals of Psychology, researchers are reporting that healthy.

Playing World of Warcraft may protect against sexually transmitted diseases, study finds

DENVER, CO – A new study from the University of Denver has shown a strong.

Trump: I Will Solve The Nation’s Math Problems

MODESTO, CA: Goodyear Satire Company— Donald Trump told voters he has solutions to all of.

Breaking: 3 Olympians found dead after attempting bloodletting

RIO, BRAZIL – In a breaking story out of the Rio Olympics, 3 athletes from.