Author: SP Team

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.

Point/Counterpoint – Which poses a greater threat: Ebola or the Ebola vaccine?

“I’m more scared of the vaccine than I am of Ebola.” Dave Lewis, 43 Baltimore,.

*HOAX ALERT: American Academy of Pediatrics finds many pediatricians are not vaccinating their own children

*Update: This satirical/hoax article was picked up and spread by the anti-vaccine cult. A classic.

Doctor exposes himself to Ebola, demands 21 day quarantine

Dr. Jacob Howser, a 39 year-old dermatologist from Manhattan, snuck past security at Bellevue Hospital.

Medical school graduates flocking to careers in pediatrics to get rich vaccinating children

According to a nationwide survey of residency program directors, pediatrics is now by far the.

Plumbing breaks at homeopathy clinic, medicine spills everywhere

A homeopathy clinic in Toronto, Canada had an unfortunate accident with their plumbing this weekend,.

Criminals Sick of Being Compared to Anti-Vaxxers

Inmates in New York’s Riker’s Island staged a hunger strike this week to demand that.