Plumbing breaks at homeopathy clinic, medicine spills everywhere

A homeopathy clinic in Toronto, Canada had an unfortunate accident with their plumbing this weekend, causing hundreds of dollars in damage and lost revenue. The All Natural Green Homeopathy Clinic located on Young Street in downtown Toronto is a popular dispenser of homeopathic remedies, which of course are nothing more than water. So you can imagine the horror when the plumbing system at the store burst, sending medicine all over the store.

“It was terrible,” said “Dr.” James Gardiner. “My medicine supply was going everywhere, there was 100C coming out of every pipe, soaking the floor of my store. I mean clinic.”

The damage to the pipes was estimated at $1400, while the lost medicine was estimated at over $10,000.



Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.