Criminals Sick of Being Compared to Anti-Vaxxers

Inmates in New York’s Riker’s Island staged a hunger strike this week to demand that social media commentators stop comparing them to anti-vaxxers.  According to Mark Goodwin, who first noticed the phenomenon earlier this year, “In almost every Facebook discussion someone ends up saying ‘anti-vaxxers are criminals and belong in jail.’ It is so predictable that around here we call it ‘Goodwin’s law.’ I am literally too disgusted to eat from being routinely compared with these people. ”

The prisoners released a statement explaining their position which read:

“None of us are angels. But all of us made sure our kids were up to date on their immunizations.  When you say “anti-vaxxers are criminals”, keep in mind that you are lumping together people who stole cars and dealt drugs with people who are consciously leaving their children vulnerable to diseases that could kill or cripple them life. We also realize that not everyone can be vaccinated and in protecting our own children, we are protecting our community as well. Anti-vaxxers are a true menace to society. So please, show some sensitivity by not comparing us criminals to those science-denying, tin-foil hat wearing scumbags.”

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.