Medical school graduates flocking to careers in pediatrics to get rich vaccinating children

According to a nationwide survey of residency program directors, pediatrics is now by far the most popular specialty for medical students. Sadly, however, caring for children is not the main priority of these young people.

“It used to be that people went into pediatrics because they were genuinely interested in helping children,” said the chairman of pediatrics at Yale University, Dr. Allen Heap. “Now, everyone simply wants to get rich like the average pediatrician they read about on VacTruth, Greenmedinfo, or some other pseudoscience junk site like that. Whenever they write an article about how much these guys make, I know that means I’ll have 10 more students knocking on my door the next morning asking me how they begin their career in pediatrics.”

According to recent medical school graduate Stacy Weiss, the money that pediatricians received from vaccinating children played a large roll in her decision to choose that specialty. “I kind of feel bad saying this, but it was pretty obvious that any doctor wearing a $4,000 suit and driving a Mercedes is a pediatrician. Us medical students may not talk about it, but we all know the mansions they have and the glamorous lifestyle they lead. I personally wouldn’t mind vaccinating kids for a few years and retiring at 40, to be honest,” she told The Spudd.

Not only is the field of pediatrics seeing a surge of interest from medical students, but other fields are noticing a corresponding large drop.

“It used to be that medical school graduates who cared mostly about money would go into dermatology, radiology, anesthesiology, or orthopedics,” said the chairman of dermatology at Yale University, Dr. Kathy Arnst. “Those residencies now can’t even fill, as top medical students are all trying to purchase a yacht through the profits they make giving vaccines.”

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