Young Earth Creationist Society accidentally funds study proving Earth is over 4 billion years old

science, health, satire, vaccines.

In a move similar to the anti-vaccine group SafeMinds proving (again) that vaccines don’t cause autism, the YECS (Young Earth Creationist Society) funded a study hoping to prove to the earth was a mere 6000 years old.

“The researchers found fossils and artifacts that have been accurately dated as far back at 225 million years,” said one dejected YECS member. “But we are never without hope. We are currently speaking with our friends at SafeMinds to see how we can spin this.”

The researchers were given a very large grant by YECS, with the aim of studying rocks and fossils from around the world and proving that they are in fact only a few thousand years old. Things did not pan out as they had hoped.

“The devil is everywhere, that’s what we always need to remember” said YECS president Ben Hamm. “Things like evidence and science have never swayed our faith in the past and it will not do so now.”

The Spudd has secretly learned that SafeMinds has advised YECS to claim the researchers were bought off, made mistakes, omitted data, and to make sure to use big sciency sounding words when doing so.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.