Breaking: Some doctors believe Shaken Baby Syndrome may be caused by shaking babies, not vaccines

Going against what most of their colleagues believe, some rogue doctors have come forward declaring that Shaken.

Are vaccines turning children into little geniuses?

A recent study published in the Journal of American Pediatrics hypothesized that childhood vaccines are.

Ebola vaccine enters final autism testing stage

TORONTO, CANADA – The Ebola vaccine created by a Canadian company has entered the final.

Obama proclaims un-vaccinated individuals must now publicly announce travel plans

NEW YORK, NY – The CDC and FDA announced today that President Obama has signed.

Shilly Awards bring few surprises, streaker

LOS ANGELES, CA – The 1st annual Pharma Shill Awards, or “Shillys”, took place last.

Anti-vaccers start Change. org petition to get rid of science

Anti-vaccers are taking another stab at eliminating science from the world. Even though they themselves.