7 facts about vaccines you won't believe are true!

The the MMR vaccine has never contained “mercury” The polio vaccines supplied by the Bill.

Local anti-vaccer under the impression he is well liked, not being mocked by neighbors

FRANKLIN, DE – Local anti-vaccine advocate Martin Howe is sure he a respected and well.

Anti-vaccers responsible for an estimated 17,000 deaths a year

NEW YORK, NY – A new report released jointly today by the CDC, NWO, and.

science, health, satire, vaccines.
Breaking: Pro-vaccine advocate may just like science and vaccines and not be a pharma shill

Everyone knows that anyone and everyone who defends vaccines and science is a paid shill.

Scientists mourn as Robert F. Kennedy Jr, 61, found alive

NEW YORK, NY – Scientists across the nation are in mourning today as RFK Jr.,.

Are GMOs and vaccines to blame for the rise in chronic disease?
