Tag: cdc vaccines
NSA confirms everything is a conspiracy, conspiracy theorists not convinced
NEW YORK, NY – The NSA announced today that yes, everything that happens or has.
New law makes it legal for atheist doctors and nurses to refuse care to religious patients
JACKSON, MS – A new law in Mississippi has made it legal for doctors and.
CDC releases new list of vaccine side effects: old age, grey hair, top list
ATLANTA, GA – The CDC released a new and updated list of possible side effects for.
Anti-vaccer loses fourth child to vaccine preventable disease, thanks God they all avoided autism
NEWARK, NJ – Local anti-vaccine mother of four, Sharyl Taylor, has lost her fourth.
New poll shows “Karen” from Facebook more credible than CDC, FDA, WHO
According to a new poll of anti-vaccine/anti-science Facebook users, “Karen” from various Facebook pages is.
Merck to add glyphosate to vaccines in huge deal with Monsanto
Pharmaceutical giant Merck announced today that they would be altering the recipe for their vaccines.