Laughter actually second best medicine, study finds

science, health, satire, vaccines.

A new study released today in The Lancet concluded that laughter is actually the second best medicine, behind conventional treatment.

“We studied several different types of medicine, laughter included” explained lead researcher, Dr. Cyrus Handy. “Laughter was second to conventional medicine, but did beat out homeopathy and essential oils.”

The full list of the rankings of medicine will be available upon publication of the study next month, but The Spudd has learned that homeopathy has finished dead last.

“Why am I not surprised?” laughed Dan Ullman, homeopathy salesman. “This study was probably funded by Big Pharma and therefor cannot be taken seriously. I had a good laugh at this and actually feel a little bit better.” The researchers listed no conflicts of interest on the study.

Laughter was thought to be the best medicine for years, but this new study may result in an altering of the famous saying.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.