Homeopathic medicine incredibly addictive, study finds

In a new and possibly groundbreaking study into homeopathic medicine, researchers have concluded that most, if not all, homeopathic medicine is incredibly addictive.

“There are two active ingredients in homeopathic remedies: sugar and dihydrogen monoxide,” explained lead researcher, Ron Parish. “We know that sugar has the same effect on certain parts of the brain as heroin and dihydrogen monoxide is perhaps the most addictive substance known to man. Try getting an addict to go one week without it, they can’t.”

The researchers are pushing for the FDA and Health Canada to require all homeopathic remedies to have warning labels on the package stating that both ingredients, sugar and dihydrogen monoxide, are highly addictive.

Besides the physical addiction to the medicine, the researchers also concluded that users of homeopathy are also addicted to wasting money and telling people not to use conventional medicine.

“I don’t think people are addicted to homeopathy,” said Dana Ullman, homeopathic medicine salesman. “They are addicted to feeling better and homeopathy has been proven to work time and time again…by homeopaths.”


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