Anti-vaccers petition to get science books banned in public schools

Anti-vaccine advocates are furious that children will be taught using “evidence-based science” in the classroom. If the anti-vaccine cultists had their way, science textbooks across the nation would be shelved permanently.

“Children should not be brainwashed by science at such a young age,” said anti-science and anti-vaccine parent Debbie Vezina. “We want all science books banned until at least high school, maybe even college.”

The anti-vaccine cult is trying to organize nation wide protests in every state, encouraging parents to reach out to their school boards and demand action. So far, the protests and petitions have fallen on deaf ears.

“No, we will not be banning science textbooks because a few anti-science wingnuts sign a petition” said Superintendent Bill Chalmers of the Ohio State Department of Education. “Science is a very important subject and skill for all young people to learn.”

It is not exactly clear what exactly the anti-vaccine advocates have against the science textbooks being used, whether it is one or two specific branches of science, or just science as a whole.

The most The Spudd could ascertain from interviews with the anti-science book crusaders was something about toxins and doing your research.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.