5th grader hides science homework from anti-vaccine parents

5th grader Billy Hannigan is a bright young boy with an aptitude for all things science, so you could imagine his surprise when he recently failed a science assignment his parents helped him with.

“They really messed it all up” explained Billy. “I don’t think they get science and chemistry stuff at all.”

Billy has now begun doing his science homework in secret, telling his parents he doesn’t have any more science assignments.

“I just do it during recess or hide in my room and tell them I am playing video games” explained Billy.

Billy’s parents are hardcore anti-vaccine and anti-science supporters, both of whom failed high school science. “We just want Billy to grow up knowing the truth behind things like vaccines and chemicals” said Mrs. Hannigan. “He is a bright boy, even with missing those 6 months of school with the measles.”

Billy told The Spudd he also plans on getting fully got up on his vaccinations the second he is old enough.


Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.