NWO hatches new plan to vaccinate clouds via chemtrails

SECRET UNDERGROUND LAIR – The New World Order in conjunction with the Illuminati, Bill Gates and someone only known as “Gary”, have reportedly devised a new plan in the ongoing struggle in it’s depopulation agenda.

“The plan is very simple. We basically just use our planes which are already capable of spraying regular chemtrails, and simply fill them with vaccines instead ” explained Gates. “In essence, we are vaccinating the clouds.”

The newly vaccinated clouds will dispense the toxic vaccines in the rain, covering the world in aluminum, mercury and the autisms.

“We really feel this is a much easier and cost-effective way to make people sterile and give them all autism” said Gates.

Well some members of the council were initially against the idea, the vote passed with a resounding 100% of The Order agreeing to the plan. One such member agreedĀ  under the promise of anonymity (who we will refer to as Mr.Richwhiteguy) to speak with The Spudd.

“I was not convinced at first that this was possible,” said Mr. Richwhiteguy. “I thought that we may be doing something less effective than our original plan of sterilization through vaccines. At least that way we can make sure our kids don’t get it. But once the science behind it was explained to me, I was fully on board.”

The plan is set to begin as early as June, so keep watching the skies and beware of rain that smells like heavy metals.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.