Uncontacted Amazon tribe shown the internet, think Food Babe is full of shit

A previously uncontacted Amazon tribe was recently contacted by explorers in the deep jungles of South America. The tribe had ventured out of their homes and came across an expedition team from the United States. The tribe was very interested in the equipment the explorers had, especially the laptops.

“They gravitated towards the laptops probably because of the bright screens” presumed Dr. Livingstone, leader of the expedition. “We began to show them various things on the internet, and then we Googled ‘food’ to show them what we eat at home.”

In the Google search for ‘food’, pages from The Food Babe turned up and the tribesman began looking at several of her blog entries.

“Even though they could not read the words, they seemed to understand that Ms. Hari was full of shit” explained Dr. Livingstone. “They continually looked at her writings about chemicals and GMOs and began to laugh out loud.”

In order to continue the laughter, the explorers’ next plan on teaching the tribe about anti-vaccers and chemtrail-truthers.

Evil doktor, pharma shill, vaccine chemist, Monsanto spokesperson, GMO lobbyist, chemtrail deployer and false flag organizer.